Make this Christmas one to remember!

What will you be doing this Christmas?

Will you be rockin’ around the Christmas tree? Singing along to Michael Buble and Mariah Carey while wrapping your presents? And then snuggling up in your new pyjamas on the sofa together for a Christmas Eve movie? Not forgetting a drink of your favourite tipple, of course!

Sweet Tops HQ will close for a few days. I might actually switch off the laptop. Because I want to make this Christmas one to remember too. And if I get to spend some quality time with my partner, it most certainly will be!

It'll be strange for us both as I really can't remember the last time I did - switch off or spend some quality time with her!

But on a serious note, Christmas should be about spending precious time with family and friends. Making special memories. And switching off from the craziest year ever – even just for five days.

2020 - a different Christmas

Of course, things will be different this Christmas. Even the Queen is breaking with tradition.

And whoever would have thought you might be watching the panto from your car? Yes, as if 2020 wasn't strange enough already. The drive-in pantomime is a thing this year!

More online shopping and less time in the queues (which many of you will no doubt appreciate).

For some, budgets may be smaller than usual. For others, it might be a chance to splash out because you’ve managed to save your usual travel and daily coffee and cake treat money.

Family gatherings will be smaller. Or else virtual now that we've all got used to seeing our faces on Zoom!

I’ve never seen so many Christmas trees and decorations up so early. It seems even the biggest Grinches are making an exception this year. And it’s not surprising.

But one thing's for sure. We all want to really let our hair down and celebrate somehow.

You might not be able to go to the office party, or hand out Secret Santa gifts at work. But there's ways around it and plenty of choice for gifts for your friends and work colleagues. It might just take a bit more planning than normal!

Everything has been a little more 'distanced' than we're used to. And any time with the family and close friends is so much more precious this Christmas.

For once, even the children might be happy to get for a Boxing Day walk in the fresh air! Pack up your flasks and a picnic, get your wellies on, and make the most of what might be the only year you don’t have to go to the sales!

You've still got time to grab some last-minute presents. Add the final touches to your decorations. And plan your Christmas Day table down to the finest detail.

So, get into the festive spirit with your stockings around the fireplace, Santa and Rudolph’s treats ready for Christmas Eve, and your 2020 matching Christmas jumpers and t-shirts as you gather around your tablets to join in the family quiz.

Our Christmas message

2020 has been challenging for us all.

Like most of you, we have had to change and review how the business operates. But also, thanks to you, it has been more amazing than we could have imagined.

We are really looking forward to seeing you back here again in the new year. And bringing you some great new products to add to your favourites.

But in the meantime, thank you for your custom, ongoing support, and great reviews.

So, one final thing,

"Merry Christmas to all and a very Happy New Year."

Ryan, and all at Sweet Tops

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