Refund and Returns Policy

Personalised Items

All personalised items are non-refundable.  They have been produced specifically for your order and, therefore, cannot be resold.

Images provided by you should be in the highest resolution possible (as detailed when ordering).  Should the image you provide be of a low resolution, the item will still be printed according to your order.  These items cannot be replaced or refunded.

Non-Personalised Items

Returns for non-personalised items must be notified to us as soon as possible and be in a perfect condition. 

The cost of return postage must be covered by you and the items received back by us within 14 days of you receiving them.  Please ensure you obtain tracking details of your return and provide these details to us by email to

Once the item is received by us it will be inspected and a refund processed, as long as it is in perfect condition. If for any reason we do have to pay any postage surcharge, this will be deducted from the item cost before the refund is made.

Faulty Items

Should an item be faulty, we ask that you let us know within three days of you receiving it.  We will advise you whether the item is replaceable or refundable.

Replacement items will take 3-5 working days to reach you from the despatch notification.

Refunds will be made back to the card or other method you used to pay.  This can take between 3-5 working days from the refund being issued.

Please Note:  Items will not be refunded or replaced should any damage have been caused by you, or the item has been mis-used, or you misspelled the personalisation at the point of ordering.

Lost Items

We advise you wait 10 working days (UK shipping addresses) or 30 working days (International shipping addresses) before contacting us. The Royal Mail will deem a parcel as lost if not delivered within these windows. Once deemed as lost we’ll be able to work with you to resolve the problem.

Please make sure you order in enough time before your occasion!

We cannot be held responsible for any post office delays. I will do everything I can to get the order out as soon as I can, but please allow yourself time to receive the item for your party.

Click HERE for return form