National Day of Reflection – the gift of a memory

As I am writing, today is the National Day of Reflection. A day dedicated to remembering those we have lost. To remember the good times, and fond memories of loved ones. But a day on which we should also try to look forward with positivity.

Unfortunately, it’s often said that we remember the bad times more than the good, because of how our emotions affect the way our memories are processed.

So, when it comes to times like this, it’s even more important to show those around us how much we care, and we’re grateful that we have them with us to create more wonderful memories.

The past year has made a huge difference to Sweet Tops as we’ve been asked to provide so many different gifts, baking equipment, cake tops for celebrations, and commemorative items.

And of course, today brought it home to me even more just how special you can make a loved ones' day by showing you have thought about them.

As things start to gradually return to the pre-pandemic routines, offices will start to reopen, universities will open their doors once again, and the tight family unit we have got so used to will start to go their separate ways.

But it’s a good thing, and we shouldn’t be too 'doomy and gloomy' about it. Quite the opposite, there’s plenty of opportunity to get your creative juices flowing, and come up with sentimental, humorous, and just generally amazing ways of showing and sharing your love for each other!

A completely random fact I learned today, too, is that you are far more likely to be ‘trusted’ if you are seen holding a mug – I’m guessing the research meant the mug should be filled with tea or coffee, but anything would do!

So if you are starting up in business on your own and want something to show off your logo on your networking zooms, how about a set of branded mugs? They'll always catch the attention of other zoomers, and shows you as a genuine character. Or the gift of a personalised or branded mug to your team as a welcome back, or to keep them going for the next few months of working from home, or else in the work environment still under strict safe distancing rules? Everyone deserves a little something from the boss, surely?!

The beauty of personalised gifts

It’s always a great feeling when you receive a gift, no matter what size or shape, or for whatever the reason.

But this feeling goes to another level when you realise it’s been personalised, dedicated especially for you.

Teachers, carers, key workers who have kept us going through the past year, would no doubt treasure the fact that you’ve taken the time to think about them and arrange something special. Not singling them out, but I think it's safe to say the job that teachers do has become even more appreciated having tried home schooling!
It’s doubtful that we’ll forget the pandemic, although we would like to try! But one thing that will definitely make the memories a little sweeter is knowing you appreciate what those people have done for you.

Desk accessories, photo frames, tote bags, personalised mugs with a photograph or a motto that means something to both of you and your friendship or relationship are ideal options. You never know how much it can mean to receive something that has taken time and thought to create.

Easter Treats

Have the kiddies been amazing through lockdown? Do they deserve a little something special to let them know how proud you are? We have all sorts of personalised gifts suitable for children, too. From clothing to kit bags, and picture frames to bespoke cake toppers. Imagine the look on their little face when they get your surprise delivered right to their door!

Or are you missing them already now they’re back off to school with their friends? How do you fancy seeing their face beaming at you as you drink your morning coffee? Or a mouse mat to show off your family while you work. Why not treat yourself to something special too?

Family Gifts

Have you had a baby during lockdown who family members haven’t been able to meet yet? Or do your children want to send something to Granny and Grandad who they’ve not seen in all this time? Personalised pillows, christening bibs, tea towels (the older generation love those!) Yes, we’ve got something for everyone, and it might just make their day.

Wedding Gifts

Now that restrictions are starting to lift a little, we are being asked more frequently to provide bespoke wedding gifts.

In addition to treasured gifts for the Bride and Groom, we are also receiving more orders now for personalised bridesmaid and best man gifts, as well as bridal party dressing gowns, slippers, hoodies, and baseball caps. Oh, and not forgetting the cup cake toppers, which are still one of the most popular items from our original range.

Why Sweet Tops is the place for all your personalised gifts

Not only are your gifts personalised, but we are still a small enough business that you also get great personal customer service. And quite often with bespoke gifts, that’s exactly what you need.

We give you the comfort that your gift will be one to be treasured and appreciated for a long time to come. Made from quality materials, whatever the gift, and delivered to you hassle free.

So make those memories something special by adding your own unique personality and style to our choice of products. And if you can’t see what you’re looking for, please feel free to give us a call to see how we can help.

Stay safe, and we look forward to hearing from you, from all at Sweet Tops.

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